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Англо-русский словарь - wander


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Перевод с английского языка wander на русский

 1. v.
 1) бродить; странствовать, скитаться (тж. wander about/around); This man was found wandering about with no money or papers.
 2) блуждать (о мыслях, взгляде и т.п.)
 3) заблудиться; to wander out of ones way - сбиться с дороги
 4) fig. отклоняться; to wander from the point - отойти/отклониться от темы
 5) стать непоследовательным, невнимательным, рассеянным
 6) бредить (тж. wander in ones mind)
 7) извиваться (о реке, дороге и т.п.) Syn: meander, ramble, range, roam, rove, stray Ant: remain, rest, settle
 2. noun странствие
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См. в других словарях

  1. книж. странствие 2. бродить; странствовать to wander about —- блуждать; бродить (без цели) to wander over the countryside —- исходить всю местность to wander (through (over, about)) the world —- изъездить весь свет he wandered the forests —- он бродил по лесам to wander forth (out) —- отправиться куда глаза глядят to wander forth (to) —- неторопливо направиться (куда-л.) to wander in —- забрести, случайно зайти 3. блуждать (о мыслях, взгляде) his eyes wandered over the landscape —- его взор лениво скользил по местности 4. ходить (о слухах) strange whispers wandered about the camp —- странные слухи передавались шепотом по лагерю 5. заблудиться to wander away —- уйти и заблудиться; отстать (от каравана и т. п.) some of the sheep have wandered away —- несколько овец куда-то забрели (отстали от стада) to wander out of one's way (off the track, from a path) —- сбиться с дороги to wander from a course —- сбиться с (отклониться от) курса to wander off —- уйти (и затеряться) to wander off from one's home —- покинуть родной дом 6. отклоняться to wander from the subject (of the point) —- отклониться (отойти) от темы 7. заблуждаться; запутаться, сбиться to wander from proper conduct —- вести себя неправильно 8. путаться, путать (в речи, изложении); говорить несвязно, непоследовательно 9. бредить, заговариваться his mind is (his wits are) wandering —- он бредит (заговаривается); он не в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) блудить 2) блуждать 3) бродить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) отклонение, смещение 2) качание (цифрового сигнала) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) отклонение; смещение; дрейф; медленное изменение (параметров) 2) отклоняться 3) курсовая неустойчивость, "рыскание" (автомобиля) 4) рлк мерцание (отметки цели) - borehole wander - dc wander - target wander ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by in, off, etc.) go about from place to place aimlessly. 2 intr. a (of a person, river, road, etc.) wind about; diverge; meander. b (of esp. a person) get lost; leave home; stray from a path etc. 3 intr. talk or think incoherently; be inattentive or delirious. 4 tr. cover while wandering (wanders the world). --n. the act or an instance of wandering (went for a wander round the garden). Phrases and idioms wandering Jew 1 a a legendary person said to have been condemned by Christ to wander the earth until the second advent. b a person who never settles down. 2 a a climbing plant, Tradescantia albiflora, with stemless variegated leaves. b a trailing plant, Zebrina pendula, with pink flowers. wandering sailor the moneywort. wander-plug a plug that can be fitted into any of various sockets in an electrical device. Derivatives wanderer n. wandering n. (esp. in pl.). Etymology: OE wandrian (as WEND) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English wandren, from Old English wandrian; akin to Middle High German ~n to ~, Old English windan to wind, twist  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal  b. to go idly about ; ramble ~ing around the house  2. to follow a winding course ; meander  3.  a. to go astray (as from a course) ; stray ~ed away from the group  b. to go astray morally ; err  c. to lose normal mental contact ; stray in thought his mind ~ed  transitive verb to roam over ~ed the halls  • ~ noun  • ~er noun Synonyms:  ~, roam, ramble, rove, traipse, meander mean to go about from place to place usually without a plan or definite purpose. ~ implies an absence of or an indifference to a fixed course fond of ~ing about the square just watching the people. roam suggests ~ing about freely and often far afield liked to roam through the woods. ramble stresses carelessness and indifference to one's course or objective the speaker rambled on without ever coming to the point. rove suggests vigorous and sometimes purposeful roaming armed brigands roved over the countryside. traipse implies a course that is erratic but may sometimes be purposeful traipsed all over town looking for the right dress. meander implies a winding or intricate course suggestive of aimless or listless ~ing the river meanders for miles through rich farmland. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wanders, wandering, wandered) 1. If you wander in a place, you walk around there in a casual way, often without intending to go in any particular direction. They wandered off in the direction of the nearest store... Those who do not have relatives to return to are left to wander the streets and sleep rough. VERB: V prep/adv, V n • Wander is also a noun. A wander around any market will reveal stalls piled high with vegetables. = stroll N-SING: a N 2. If a person or animal wanders from a place where they are supposed to stay, they move away from the place without going in a particular direction. Because Mother is afraid we’ll get lost, we aren’t allowed to wander far... To keep their bees from wandering, beekeepers feed them sugar solutions. = stray VERB: V adv/prep, V 3. If your mind wanders or your thoughts wander, you stop concentrating on something and start thinking about other things. His mind would wander, and he would lose track of what he was doing... = stray VERB: V 4. If your eyes wander, you stop looking at one thing and start looking around at other things. His eyes wandered restlessly around the room... VERB: V prep/adv ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »MOVE WITHOUT A DIRECTION« to move slowly across or around an area, without a clear direction or purpose  (wander in/through/around etc)  (I'll just wander around the mall for half an hour. | wander sth)  (Nomadic tribes wander these deserts.) 2 »MOVE AWAY« also wander off to move away from where you are supposed to stay  (Don't let any of the kids wander off.) 3 »CHANGE THE SUBJECT« to start to talk about something not connected with the main subject that you were talking about before + from/off  (Pastor Riker started to wander from the point.) 4 »MIND/THOUGHTS« if your mind, thoughts etc wander, you no longer pay attention to something, especially because you are bored or worried  (I'm sorry, my mind was wandering. What did you say?) 5 sb's mind is wandering used to say that someone has become unable to think clearly, especially because they are old 6 »ROAD/RIVER« if a road or a river wanders somewhere, it does not go straight but in curves + through/across/along  (The Missouri river wanders across several states.) - wanderer n ~2 n a short relaxed walk  (go for/take a wander)  (Let's take a wander down to the shops.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. wandrian "move about aimlessly, wander," from W.Gmc. *wandrojan, from base *wand-, *wend- "turn." The Wandering Jew of Christian legend first mentioned 13c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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